There’s a lot of nostalgia around home cooking for the holidays, and even more pressure and pride surrounding from-scratch meals. You want to build a legacy, master of “Grandma’s” apple pie, Uncle Whoever’s “famous” stuffing, Auntie Whatsherface’s sweet potato casserole, and so on. A lot of Americans consider it a badge of honor to take the uphill path on Thanksgiving; they want to be both the opening act and the headliner of the feast.
But here’s the reality: Domestic bliss is often a myth. When there are several cooks in the kitchen or too many guests underfoot, it’s all too easy for shit to hit the (exhaust) fan. And with so many dishes to prep, cook, coordinate, plate, and present, there’s a lot that can go wrong—Murphy’s Law is a common uninvited guest to any big gathering.
It might be time to check your ego at the door with good ol’ Murph and take the path of least resistance. Maybe this is the year you let the caterers handle Thnksgiving, whether that means getting a Cajun-style turkey from Popeyes, homestyle side dishes from your favorite chain (hello, Boston Market and HoneyBaked!), or dessert from a supermarket bakery. No matter what you choose to eat, here are some reasons it’s a good idea to order out, beyond the added convenience.