Tipping has become a sore subject for all involved. What sort of services merit a tip? How much is considered a “good” tip? The debates are endless and nuanced, and thanks to DoorDaash, they’re about to get a little more heated.
The Wall Street Journal reports that DoorDash has been alerting customers, specifically those who do not tip, that its delivery drivers (or Dashers) choose their own assignments and might not want to take on the deliveries of those who don’t include a gratuity. In other words, this group of customers may not get their order as speedily as those who do provide a tip, because fewer Dashers will be vying to make those deliveries.
“Offers that don’t include a tip can be seen as less desirable,” DoorDash spokesperson Jenn Rosenberg said to WSJ. Rosenberg noted Dashers can see what tip customers leave, and although customers can opt to tip in cash, their order still might take longer.
DoorDash pays its drivers between $2 to $10 base pay for each delivery, an amount adjusted depending on the distance and how long it will take to fulfill. Less desirable deliveries have a higher base pay. All tips go to the delivery drivers.
Over on Reddit, the debates surrounding this new alert, and the effect tipping has on delivery speed, are already getting fired up. One Reddit user posted in a DoorDash thread about the alert calling DoorDash a “piece of s**t service” and saying tipping “is totally out of control.”
“If they changed the word tip to bid would it change your mind?” wrote one user in response. “Because that’s what it really is, a bid for service. Nobody is going to take a $0 bid unless it’s less than a mile and dead hours or gets stacked with another order and we can’t see the specific totals.”
The original poster went on to comment, “I believe that excessive tipping (which is admittedly not Doordash’s fault alone) is eroding the quality of life of the American consumer.”
Despite the possible tipping fatigue, DoorDash told WSJ that the vast majority of its customers do leave a tip. Those who don’t are likely the most irked by these recent alerts they’ve been receiving.
“As with anything we pilot, we look forward to closely analyzing the results and feedback,” Rosenberg said. The food delivery app has been testing this alert to customers for a few months. Although some people might choose to take the stance of various Reddit users and boycott DoorDash’s services, the alerts might just nudge some non-tippers in the other direction. For the sake of the Dashers, let’s hope its the latter.