I love pie. All of it. The rich golden crust with flaky layers formed as the water in the cold butter evaporates in the oven, the crunchy, spiced crumbles of streusel, the tender, caramelized fruits and molten goo with a dollop of whipped cream. But you know what I don’t love? Making pie. Making pie sucks.
It’s labor-intensive to make pie crust from scratch. You need all kinds of tools and materials. And even fully kitted out with the best, freshest ingredients and all the necessary pie weights, dough cutters, rolling pins, apple corers, and cherry pitters, there’s still no guarantee that your pie’s going to be any good.
So this Thanksgiving (and whenever I feel like eating pie, to be honest), I leave it to the pros. I literally seek a pie in the sky and pay for experts to fly their frozen goods to me. This way all I have to do is throw it in the oven to emerge a dessert hero. After all, it’s still technically freshly home-baked… it’s just far better than homemade.
Here are some of your best artisan and fancy-ass options to do the same this holiday season.