I think about this Anthony Bourdain video a lot, when he was asked (by Insider Tech, randomly) a very open-ended question: What should people eat when visiting New York City? Like most of Bourdain’s interviews, the man just refuses to phone it in. Instead, he gives a thoughtful, eloquent answer that illuminates what’s so special about traveling and eating.
“Ask yourself what any traveler should ask going anywhere for the first time: What do they do there that is unique to that place, that they inarguably do better than anyone else in the world?” Bourdain says. “What are we the best at? What do we have that you definitely do not have?”
I often ruminate on this eating philosophy when doling out food recommendations in Los Angeles. What do I love about this city? What will I miss when I eventually move? What can I get here now that I know I’m not getting in other cities? One clear answer: Armenian baked goods.
Armenian food is hard to pin down exactly, in part because survivors of the Armenian genocide were displaced a century ago; the cuisine thus collaborates and overlaps with many different countries throughout the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Nevertheless, Los Angeles (specifically Glendale) has the largest Armenian population in the United States, so it stands to reason that while you’re here you have to eat Armenian food, and I would start with the bakery.
These bakeries are a gift to Angelenos across the city, providing handheld savory breads and pastries on par with other iconic, inexpensive, ready-in-seconds foods like pizza and hot dogs. Most of these businesses can be found in the neighborhoods of Glendale and Little Armenia.
I have lived in or near Little Armenia for the past five years, and I’ve also been very broke in the past, so I feel acquainted enough with these bakeries to speak about what makes them so rad. I’ve produced this guide for anybody who might be visiting Los Angeles and wants to try some food that they probably aren’t getting anywhere else. So here are six things you’ll most often find at the Armenian bakery, and why you should order them.