When it comes to iconic New York City foods you can buy online, there’s a lot to choose from, and some of it’s pretty weird.
As a former city dweller, I’m vulnerable to some amount of nostalgia-grabbing. When I saw Gray’s Papaya on Goldbelly, for example, I thought, “Aww, Gray’s Papaya!” I imagined the feeling of popping into Gray’s Papaya on a cold winter night and biting into a perfect, steaming hot dog. Then I remembered that if I spent the $99 to get Gray’s Papaya from Goldbelly, I’d have to grill the hot dogs myself in my cold Vermont kitchen. Somehow, I don’t think the wonders of a $2.95 hotdog would translate, especially not at that markup.
All of this to say: Not all food gifts are created equal, not all Goldbelly options are winners, and when you’re sending someone a consumable gift, you want to go with something that provides a nice experience, not just a nice meal. That’s what we present below: NYC foods that are easy to ship, easy to prepare, and great at stoking nostalgia for one of America’s best food cities. Here are 10 great New York food gifts you can find on Goldbelly this holiday season.